Most Popular Product in the world

The most sold item in the world is clothing and fashion items.This ranges from women  and men's outfits to children's clothing, shoes,accessories, and more.people love their clothes,and fashion isn't going anywhere!

What is clothing and fashion? 

clothing desribes the material and the technical garment,deveid of any social meaning or connections,costume has come to mean fancy dress or masquerade wear,Fashion,by contrast,describes the social and temporal system that influences and activates dress as a social signifier in a certain time and context.There are many kind of clothing and faskion item in market.

 popular isT-shirt,sweater,jacket,coat,jeans,socks,shorts,tracksuit etc.The T-shirt is one of the most popular items of clothing in the world and around 2 billion of them are sold every single year.

The Market of  Clothing and Fashion  

 The latest global apparel industry statistics show that revenue from the apparel market is expeted to exceed 1.7 Trillion in 2023,a 13.7% Year- 0ver-year increase.

 This marks significant growth over the past decade in 2014, the global apparel market size totaled 1.54 Trillion.The Three largest fashion markets are the United States,China, and Japan.Shipping delays have led to most American consumers purchasing their apparel from other US companes.The most profitable growth segments are unique or high-end fashion athleisure,and recommerce.Nike,LVMH and TJX are the most popular company of Clothing and fashion Industry.

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